The animated logo of this site is a theft of Vasarely’s tautological Op-art piece “V”, transmorphed by out-of-the-box Illustrator effects, animated by Lottie, and then pulled onto this Cargo site.
Designers plan break-ins into worlds with the help of an ever-thicker & bigger stack of tools, data and methodologies (our particular “Carrier bags of design evolution”).
We act by appropriation, detachment & sometimes we innovate too, all of it in fast iterative chunklets, until nobody can make out the source anymore. With each new shipment in the system, those exposed to it are also changed.
Only through deep care for all parts involved, I deliver design.
We act by appropriation, detachment & sometimes we innovate too, all of it in fast iterative chunklets, until nobody can make out the source anymore. With each new shipment in the system, those exposed to it are also changed.
Only through deep care for all parts involved, I deliver design.